fredag 29. juli 2011

Shop shop shop

Å til og med med god samvittighet. Disse stilige shoppingnettene er produsert i India av tidligere gatebarn for å hjelpe gatebarn. Et flott prosjekt som Rice støtter. Disse er supre å brette sammen å ha i vesken i tilfelle du trenger et handlenett eller rett å slett ha aviser & ukeblader i. Du finner dem i nettbutikken her. Inni står denne teksten :

Shop - Shop - Shop
and feel good about it.
This bag is produced in India by former street children - now married and with children of their own.
When making these bags they generate an income which enables them to help children living in the streets around Delhi Train Station.
The project is called LAKSHAYA - which means AIM in Hindi.
In this aid programme Rice help finance sewing machines and provides a sustainable organization.

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